The River

Thursday, October 16, 2003


My hometown paper, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, ran the bellow piece yesterday. One of the best things they've published all year.

If Bill Clinton were an addict, here's how Rush might spin it

By Bill McClellan

Somewhere in a parallel universe, where we are the same people but things have happened in slightly differently ways, Rush Limbaugh greets his loyal listeners this morning.

"Lots to talk about today. You all know already that Bill Clinton, our former president, has admitted an addiction to prescription drugs.

"It's interesting to see the way the liberal media are playing this. I'm looking at a copy of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Saturday, October 11th, edition - the day after the big announcement. Well, the story is on Page 2, and right next to his photograph, in large boldface print, is the following quote: 'I take full responsibility for this problem.'

"That's interesting, folks, because if you look at his actual statement - not what the liberal media say he said, but what he really said - you get a different take on it. First, he says he's got back problems. So he's blaming it on that. Then he says he had surgery, but the surgery wasn't successful. So he's blaming it on the doctors. Then he says the pain medication was addictive. So he's blaming it on the pharmaceutical companies. Folks, he blames it on everybody but himself! But as long as he puts in that obligatory line about taking responsibility, that's what the liberal media are going to grab: Clinton takes full responsibility! [more]

UPDATE: Apparently this has been widely blogged and otherwise circulated. McClellan has more on that here.

Thanks to technology I do not understand - blogs and links - Monday's column attracted a wide audience. I have received e-mails from all over, including such exotic locales as Ireland, Austria, Canada, Japan, South Korea and California.

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