Report’s Startling Conclusion: Bombing People Really Pisses Them Off
by Mark Drolette
September 25, 2006
Whew! I’m glad that’s been cleared up.
I’m talking about the “consensus view of the 16 disparate [American] spy services” as provided in the recently-disclosed National Intelligence Estimate [NIE], a classified U.S. government assessment compiled in April “that concluded the [Iraq] war has helped create a new generation of Islamic radicalism and that the overall terrorist threat has grown since the Sept. 11 attacks” (per Associated Press writer Nedra Pickler, 09/24/06).
The Democrats are right on it, too, boy. Though they’ve faithfully commented publicly on all the thousand or so previous government reports concerning 9/11 and Iraq and torture and reconstruction fraud and the national surplus of reports that, basically, have all shared the same conclusion -- the Bushies are all a bunch of corrupt, bald-faced liars who’ve made America a despised pariah state -- and then backed up their righteous displeasure with strong, patriotic action like, well, um, nothing really quite yet, still, make no mistake: you can tell this time for sure they mean real business because at several press conferences already, the Dems have somberly held copies of the NIE conclusion much higher over their heads than they would’ve in times past, noticeably shaken it more often with greater umbrage and audibly uttered an unmistakably higher number of “tsk-tsks.”
Can truly courageous “Nyeah, nyeah, nyeah-nyeah, nyeahs” be far behind?
Thursday, September 28, 2006
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