Tuesday, May 06, 2008
I just came to admire you for your assessment of Hillary's power-crazed psychosis comment at MarcLord's lair.
I just came to admire you for your assessment of Hillary's power-crazed psychosis comment at MarcLord's lair.
Thank you for stopping by to comment. Welcome to my lair :)
I am honored to have you as a guest. Isn't it amazing that we can reach across such great distances to share our common humanity? When will the world catch up with us? Who can say, but I do know that everything counts, and I too believe that strongly believe that "the path to peace crosses through the battle with self."
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Thank you for stopping by to comment. Welcome to my lair :)
I am honored to have you as a guest. Isn't it amazing that we can reach across such great distances to share our common humanity? When will the world catch up with us? Who can say, but I do know that everything counts, and I too believe that strongly believe that "the path to peace crosses through the battle with self."